Society & Environment
PageGroup corporate responsibility vision: engage, encourage and equip our people to make a positive impact on the customers and communities we work with.
Each year, when we issue our Corporate Responsibility report, it gives me a sense of pride to see what our people and our company have achieved.
Corporate Responsibility (CR) for PageGroup is fundamental and long term. As well as continuing our strong heritage of CR activity, we are increasing our own awareness of our commitments and responsibilities to all members of society. Most recently OpenPage put diversity and inclusion within PageGroup, as well as gender awareness in the workplace, in the spotlight. Women@Page is blossoming in all our offices around the world. For OpenPage, we now have regional leads committed to driving this agenda forward in their parts of the Group.
PageGroup actively supports the local communities in the countries in which we operate and I would like to thank all my colleagues who, in 2013, participated in so many charitable activities and skill-sharing events with community-focused organisations. Their generosity is truly inspirational.
CR is also about creating and maintaining a great working environment where everyone can reach their full potential and get the most from being part of PageGroup. Last year we commissioned a global employee survey to ask people how they see their roles. 90% of people said they were totally committed to their team and knew they were trusted to do their job well; 80% said they had a real passion for their job and were proud to work for PageGroup; 94% said they knew exactly what was expected of them at work. There is, of course, always room for improvement and the senior leadership team is committed to listening to all their colleagues and working together to continuously improve our workplace.
Our 2013 CR report highlights many of our achievements and activities from 2013. I am sure you will find it a fascinating and informative snapshot of PageGroup’s commitment and positive impact on the people we work with and the communities we work in. I am very proud of all that we achieved in 2013.
Steve Ingham
Chief Executive Officer